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Peace building and Dialogues

We design Peace building programs where we bring stakeholders together to develop visions for a political solution to the conflict and to channel their ideas to mediation processes. We aim to intimately acquainted with stakeholders’ concerns regarding a transition to peace. The Center has established a unique and diverse network of Syrians across political divides, including lawyers, judges, political officials, paramilitary representatives, academics, activists, civil society members, and business people, as well as international experts.

The Center Organize Workshops and consultations seeking to address key, contentious issues, bridge communication gaps between different components of Syrian society, and develop new, innovative ideas for conflict resolution. We work in our workshops to address issues such as constitutional and governance options, administrative decentralization, majority/minority concerns, the role of religion in Syria, gender issues, social reconstruction, and more.

130 Syrian Organizations Urge the United Nations Security Council to Protect Civilians, Promptly Intervene to Stop the Military Escalation in Northern Syria, and Enhance Humanitarian Response

130 Syrian Organizations Urge the United Nations Security Council to Protect Civilians, Promptly Intervene to Stop the Military Escalation in Northern Syria, and Enhance...

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Syria: Statement on the Passage of Five Years Since the Occupation of Ras al-Ayn/Serê Kaniyê and Tall Abyad During “Peace Spring” Operation

Syria: Statement on the Passage of Five Years Since the Occupation of Ras al-Ayn/Serê Kaniyê and Tall Abyad During “Peace Spring” Operation 126 Organizations...

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