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Public Opinion

This unit is concerned with conducting polls of public opinion and follow-up of the policies and
trends of the society at the level of countries and the region to identify the attitudes of the public
opinion in the region on various political, economic and social issues. Also, the unit tries to
monitor the performance of traditional and new media and their impact on local and regional

130 Syrian Organizations Urge the United Nations Security Council to Protect Civilians, Promptly Intervene to Stop the Military Escalation in Northern Syria, and Enhance Humanitarian Response

130 Syrian Organizations Urge the United Nations Security Council to Protect Civilians, Promptly Intervene to Stop the Military Escalation in Northern Syria, and Enhance...

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Syria: Statement on the Passage of Five Years Since the Occupation of Ras al-Ayn/Serê Kaniyê and Tall Abyad During “Peace Spring” Operation

Syria: Statement on the Passage of Five Years Since the Occupation of Ras al-Ayn/Serê Kaniyê and Tall Abyad During “Peace Spring” Operation 126 Organizations...

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