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Extremist Ideas, between being Adopted or being a Cover; Can Jihadist Thought Grow in the Spirits as a Belief among Al-Jazeera people?!

While individual fighters membership in ISIS is based on an ideology associated with the idea of “extremist Islam”, which adopts radical ideas regarding the interpretation of jihad texts in Islam in a manner consistent with the state of violence adopted by extremist groups around the world, the rally of people around the militant organization is different in principle and logic. Thus, if eventually it implies something then it would be that the organization "expands" between and among them.
Therefore, the “immigrants,” a metaphor from the migrants of Mecca with the Prophet Muhammad to Yathrib, which here they are the ones who come from the ends of the earth. They are the efficient human reservoir and the iron hand with which ISIS fought previous to its downfall, which now fights in the form of sleeping or awake cells. On the other hand, the “Ansar,” a metaphor for the supporters of the group of Mecca migrants in Yathrib/Medina and here they are the people of the region. However, regardless of the meaning of both metaphors, when the organization adopts such metaphors, this implies that its motives are evident. On the contrary, the reality of the situation depicts how the “immigrants” approach metaphors, in terms of worldly asceticism only, and head to where the land resonates with what they have learned. As they were able to move theoretical violence to another stage, that is its practical exercise. However, the "Ansar" are nothing but people who decided not to move from their place and have initially engaged in the game as a "pragmatic" case, which perhaps at some stages, has evolved into more than just a "pragmatic" case.
Al-Jazeera Arabs and estranging options under extremist groups:
It is inequitable to say that Al-Jazeera Arabs are an appropriate incubator for ISIS organization, in a veiled indication that they are genuine partners of the extremist organization. Moreover, depict them in the same boat, without exempting them from the burden of being actual partners or keeping silent regarding their actions, as well as, being satisfied with them.
During the extremist organizations entry to south regions of the "south of Al-Rad" in 2013, there was one who once said, "We Arabs are usurped." In a reference once to the shift between forces, without implying that they side with one party or the other, except to what extent their "pragmatic" conditions allow.
The contemporary history of Al-Jazeera Arabs clearly shows that they are not extremists in their adherence to Islam and that they are Muslims adopting the doctrine of the Sunni, without that implication that they will fight other people; "heretics" as the Kurds or people from the "People of the Book" like Christians, represented by Syriacs, Assyrians and Armenians for the idea of jihad. Nevertheless, the expansion map of the jihadist groups deliberately shows its spread in the Arabic depth in these areas, without being able to penetrate the Kurdish community in the countryside. Whereas, it succeeded evidently and over the years to maintain and control the areas of Arabic weight.
Despite the difficulty of outlining the reasons within one or two, as they are a bundle, we will focus on two reasons that we believe are essential. The first of which; “Arabic” groups, which are assumed to be incubators of these groups; in order to maintain their existence, they have not moved a finger seriously and effectively in the matter of preventing the entry of these groups or at least, societally, as a displacement movement resulted of the control of these groups, taking into consideration that the displacement was taking place as a result of military operations, not due to the control of jihadist groups over the area. As for the second reason, the involvement of many tribesmen in these organizations, as a "work opportunity" or as a factor of "strength display" through arms in the face of tribes or military forces of opponents or rivals, has neutralized entire villages across the tribal depth and the extent of their gained-through-arms dominance.
Some tribes envisaged playing a role and enjoying some power and influence, with the marginalization of tribes whose role expanded for decades under the Ba'ath regime; which reduced them and summarized their loyalty to the extent of their “Ba’athism.” Thus, these tribes found for themselves, through their individuals, a function of influence and power.
Can extremism appear without a military force:
Perhaps the most crucial question, when talking about extremist ideas between adopting them and making them a cover for other resolutions, is to answer the question of whether the societal structure would be extremist without there being a military force accompanying this manifestation of extremism, radicalism and exaggeration in a “severe Islam” that the people of Al-Jazeera have not acquainted with in its modern history.
It seems that the non-participation of Al-Jazeera Arabs in the ranks of the jihadist groups, prevents the "pragmatic" return line to a large extent, if it can properly be so called in this regard. The evidence to this, is their involvement in the Kurdish forces “YPG – SDF” ranks, as well as, the ranks of the Syrian regime force.
Leaving things as they are, it appears that jihadist groups will not be able to, ideologically, penetrate through the ranks of this region, except to the extents that are represented in individual interests. However, this will take place in case there is no accompanying military force, consequently we see how tensions concerning engagement in militarism, swings between different powers.
In case transitional justice is allowed to be activated one day, hopefully not far away, it will establish a balance, which differentiates actions with great harm, that amounted to the annihilation of the other to the other and those with the least damage, which is silence in the face of the truth.
The mosaics discourse in Al-Jazeera, from Arabs, Kurds, Syriacs, Assyrians and Armenians, is neither a matter of romance, nor just a nonsensical “cliché.” There is a confirmation that everyone can live together in harmony, however with the absolute absence of weapons in the arenas and the presence of multiple conflicting forces.

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