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A discussion session on resolution 1325 and Women’s role in peacebuilding.

A discussion session on resolution 1325 and Women’s role in peacebuilding.

In appreciation of Women’s significant role, ASSO (Analysis and Strategic Studies Organization) held a discussion session on resolution 1325 with presence of 15 participants on 2/5/2023.
The resolution issued in 2000 highlights Women’s role in peacebuilding and reinforcing security.
The resolution is divided into 18 chapter addresses four intertwined issues: Women’s participation in decision making process and peacebuilding processes within conflicts and mainstreaming gender-perspective amidst reporting and implementation systems in UN and the resolution upholds and calls the UN, Security Council, governments, and all parties of conflict to engage and protect women and girls from the armed conflict’s repercussion.
The discussion concentrated that the resolution paves the way for women for better engagement and making their voices heard as well as lobbying the people who monopolizing decision making process to change their positions and policies into peaceful policies.
The resolution1325, the official document of the Security Council, calls all parties of conflict in a transparent manner to respect and support the engagement of women in peace negotiations, political cohesion in post-conflict.
The participants addressed women’s sacrifices and situation in Syria and particularly in NES weighted down the male-centered perception domination over the society knowing that Women are the primary victim by all aspects from all parties, institutions, armed militias.
This type of discussions aims to maintain and enhance the role of women besides building women’s capacities and advancement in the political issues, furthermore, the next phase of sessions will witness discussions on women’s peacebuilding role and engagement which leaves room for exchanging views and having better engagement for women.

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